Has this last week been a challenging for one you? I hope it makes you feel any better if I tell you, you were not alone. In my German network, many people complained of heavy symptoms, ranging from dizziness to diarrhea to kidney pain and more.
Many also had strange experiences, they could hardly put into words. Well, mid European countries were hammered with a reddish dust for a couple of days. "They" tell us it was sand from the Sahara ... whatever it was, it coincided with massive atmospheric pressure that left many feeling exhausted, fatigued and somewhat wired at the same time. Some of my clients reported of wild dreams, and interestingly they all had to do with a mother relationship. But I'm sure desert sand, a strange atmosphere in the air and Divine Feminine themes flaring up are in nooo way connected. Just a coincidence ;-).
At any rate, the energies were building up to what feels to me like a peak today on this beautiful Full Moon. The moon is in Virgo opposite Piesces ruled by highly spiritual Neptune. Neptune, to
me, is the master of the depths, the mystic, the one that connects the spirit world to matter. Perhaps it is because I'm Virgo born, but to me this Full Moon smells heavily of magic and
As I'm sitting at my desk, looking at the moon outside my window ... I must say, I find that notion confirmed. I sense a whiff of magic tonight that I haven't sensed in a long time, and even
though I cannot prove this, but I'm quite certain that the energy present tonight is a foreboding of the times to come and heralding a shift on this planet. While the outer is turning
increasingly crazy and harsh, we have a chance to look within, and what do we find there?
We've been challenged to the core in the past two years. Our minds, our psyches, our will power, our discipline... all were tested. I'm sure that for most reading here, it was never a question of positioning themselves or staying determined in regards to the core issue at hand, but it was the circumstances, the craziness, the unfathomable amount of bigotry, betrayal, corruption and sheer dark force that seemed absolutely unbearable at times. This holds especially true for the empaths and super sensitives among us. If you feel energies strongly, these past two years were probably your initiation... oh my, the every increasing energetic onslaught we were and still are exposed to, giving our bodies a hard time on top of all the craze we deal with on a daily basis.
But we are still here. And, even thought we might be a wee bit tired, we are stronger than before. We walk taller, we are more certain of ourselves, and we no longer doubt our perceptions. More so than ever before, we know right from wrong and our discerning abilities have been sharpened to the max. Our new inner navigation is now an unfallable false flag tracker that cuts through any BS at lightning speed and rarely ever gets off track. We've passed the test with flying colors, knowing that anything else was never an option.
So, now that we graduated from the DF psychopath circus bootcamp, what's next?
Well, for now, we enjoy the enormously powerful energies of the current Full Moon. We bathe in them, have them sink into our minds and hearts and allow them to envelop us. We embrace the moment,
and we consciously invite the magic of this night and the days to follow into our souls. And then ... we open our hearts. We open them wide. Wider. We expand them beyond the Earth and put ALL of
and on the planet into them. We do so not because it is the right thing to do or because some New Age guru tells us to. We do so because we can. Because we know, it's not the right thing to do,
it is the only thing to do. What else is there?
733 days later, we have learned that we have no control here. We cannot influence much on the outer plane. Instead, we have learned to surrender to ... Love. Yes, Love. There was nothing left to do, so we trained our hearts to stay open despite all the heartache, the losses, the sorrow, the desperate moments, the occasional feeling of hopelessness, and our training succeeded. We now know exactly what to do, because we have become heroes in the last two years.
So, we ride this wave. We let go of everything. We look at the themes that flush to the surface right now--the ones we thought were long past and the ones we didn't know we had-- we acknowledge
them, honor them, and let them go. No more healing, no more shadow pain, no more deep dive into past lives. Because there is no longer any time for this, for we know ... we just know, change is
at hand, and we trust in the Divine Alchemy that is bound to happen and express itself on all planes of life in the coming years. We know, this is the start and we also know the time to come will
be no walk in the park, but in God, the Almighty, Spirit, Allah, the All-that-is, the One, the great creator we trust. And we know our attention is needed, our conscious witnessing is needed
And then ... we remember ... who and what we are, that we were prepared to come here, and through all the training we are perfectly equipped to handle what is coming. We know, we just know, it
cannot be any other way.
Thus, in the Magic of this moment, we birth the Alchemy that carves the timeline to the New Earth into the ether.
We know.
We breathe.
And so it is.
The very moment I finished this blogpost, the Youtube playlist I had been listening to while typing jumped to this new channeling of Kryon, Lee Carroll being the only channeler I'm paying attention to. Magical Full Moon.