I'm a German-based practitioner of several different quantum healing hypnosis methods with own community. As part of my healing work, I have developed my own
modality called Sacred Journeys where I take clients on explorations of what I call the inner planes where they find guidance for their soul journey.
In this part of my work, my mission is to serve the Divine plan by supporting others in their quest to become the Lighthouses they are meant to be. We become Lighthouses by focusing on two things:
1. gracefully walking our Soul path with our gaze firmly set on the One, and
2. facing our own inner darkness to illuminate our shadows and create space for the Light to move in.
Both these aspects foster the Light Body Process (LBP), the physical transmuation we are undergoing on our journey Home. Hence, the LBP (and the various ways to support it) is one of the corner stones of my work, as it is intrinsically linked to our search for meaning and purpose. This is where shadow work becomes crucial and our past traumas - individually and collectively - come into play.
Having studied Sufi mysticism and the Jungian approach to shadow work for decades, I believe it was never more pivotal for us to release our shadows than at this
crucial moment in human history.
For this to happen, we must learn to hear the whispers of our Soul again and find the courage to follow them while ignoring the loud screams of the ego and the
distorted teachings of New Age Spirituality. It was never about you or me. It was always about your Soul, my Soul and the Whole.
Women know this. They have always known it. And we are the ones equipped to bring about the healing of this planet and birth a New Earth. That's what we came for. And it is time we heed that call and get moving.
Drop all pretenses and the trauma of the Sacred Feminine of being too much, not good enough, not worthy, etc. and heal all wounds of feeling abandonded and let's
respond to the most important call we'll ever receive.
The Goddess is calling .... She says: It is time!
I'm also a linguist, media writer, content creator and translator, and I view my writing as my personal means to fulfill my life purpose. Writing is the medium
where I'm able to most effectively express my Sacred Feminine energy to reach people in the heart.
I never "just write." I always write with a goal in mind, aiming to stir the reader's awareness in such a way that their horizon expands and their hearts open to allow for a greater wisdom and possibly even truth to enter; the one with the capital "T," you know.
I believe that, in the time we are in, human beings increasingly absorb information through the heart portals and less so via the mental plane. With humanity approaching a phase of massive collective change, the way information is related will undergo a paradigm shift, leaving behind dry and liveless rhetorical strategies and turning to a language that is more heart-centered, warm and compassionate.
The energy of the Golden Age we're about to enter is rooted in feminine qualities such as receptiveness, nurturing, emotional expressiveness, feeling, purity in spirit and authenticity. Accordingly, the language used to convey meaning will change and seek to create a sense of comfort in the reader and foster a deeper connection. Most of these qualities are transported to the audience by the energy and intention that sits between the lines of a piece of writing, something I see AI falling short in despite the hyped attention it is currently receiving.
I see the rhetoric of the New Earth embodying the living, breathing rhythms of Life, achieved through the use of what I call "living
When I allow my heart to take the lead in my writing, I write from the place of my Sacred Feminine nature. While naturally I'm able to create "more main stream" copy, this is where I feel most at home and my true strength resides. Like many of my colleagues in this industry, I am currently with one foot in the New Earth with the other foot still more or less firmly planted in the old paradigm. As I write this, I'm still freelancing as a news writer for the horse racing industry, e.g. though I'm much more eager to jump on projects that are New Earth-bound!
Resulting from this in-between place is my personal approach to marketing which I call "Truth & Heart Marketing."
Truth & Heart Marketing is transparent, honest and heart-centered. It rests on respecting the audience's right to free will choice and never spams or misleads and is framed around a polite permission driven approach.