The "Initiation Chamber" was first shown to me in 2019 in hypnosis after I had visited an incarnation in Babylon. It took me quite a while to understand the meaning and purpose of this place on
the inner planes and to learn how to work with it appropriately.
At first, I understood the chamber to be merely a space I entered to contact my higher dimensional guides. But soon clients ended up in the chamber whenever I wanted to take them on a journey
into their own inner being. They would close their eyes, breathe, and when I asked, "what do you see" quite often they said, "I am lying on some kind of stone slab and there is someone standing
next to me."
Since then, a lot has happened, and it is admittedly difficult for me to put it all into words, because it requires that I find a concept for it - and exactly this is almost impossible for me,
because I have not heard or seen anything like this anywhere else yet.
Let me put it this way: The initiation chamber is the sacred space I hold and work in on the inner planes. I enter it together with clients very consciously, with much reverence and in a
ritualistic way. In the chamber itself, I am always shown what is important for the person who is currently occupying it. I can describe the content of a session by saying: the energy bodies are
cleansed, the light body is activated, implants are removed, soul fragments are exchanged, old contracts, connections, etc. are processed, often spirit guides or ascended masters show themselves,
and much more. But actually the chamber is much more.
Each session is like an independent adventure or journey into the great unknown for the clients and also for me, because I usually have no plan beforehand of what will or should happen. I never
know before entering the chamber what awaits us and trust completely in the guidance of our souls and spirit guides. And almost unfailingly, tears of redemption, healing and gratitude flow on all
sides after each session. Basically, everyone who enters the chamber experiences a permanent frequency increase, which often takes some time to integrate. That most also receive a Grail Code
transmission leading to the opening of the heart center is almost self-evident.
Basically, the Chamber represents the frequency range that I am able to hold and work within, and most who work with me realize over time that one enters this space quite automatically when in
contact with me. Personally, I am very fond of the concept or image of the chamber, and I am grateful that my spirit guides and soul allow me to do so, because in this way the ego has less to
cling to. So I am completely free and unconcerned when I enter the chamber with the attitude that it is something outside of me, and I can be completely open to the adventure that awaits us
By the way, not every client in the chamber has visual perceptions. While the chamber presents itself to everyone the way they want to perceive it, it is not always the same. Some see a lot, some
smell, taste or feel. But one thing is always the same - everyone feels better afterwards, uplifted and empowered and deeply touched in the knowledge that something important has happened. And
that is all that matters!
I call the sessions in the Initiation Chamber Sacred Journey Home.